Kenyan Filmmaker Amirah Tajdin's Short Film Captures Sisterhood, Magic And Mothers

I came across this beautiful short film on sisterhood, magic and motherhood titled, Minerva’s Lilies by Kenyan filmmaker, Amirah Tajdin. This one profound line in the film had me nodding, "When daughters cry, mothers weep and when mothers weep daughters drown." 

Synopsis: The short film is based on a meditation on femininity and the magic of being a woman, a girl, a daughter. Minerva's Lilies centres on two sisters, Leah and Nayomi aged, 9 and 10 as they go through the motions of 'being girls'. The visual meditation forms the experience of not only the girls' little world of magic but that of the viewer and their mother who is carefully perched around their dreamlike atmosphere.

 Such a gem with great cinematography. Check it out below:


Video Credit: Amirah Tajdin | Vimeo

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