Best of the Web: Reactions To Ghana's Plan To Remove English as a Medium of Instruction in Schools

This is a late post but hey, better late than never. A while ago, it was reported that Ghana plans to remove English as a medium of instruction in schools.

According to Ghanaweb, Ghana's Minister of Education, Prof. Jane Naana Opoku Agyemang was at the Shared Prosperity on Forum where she laid the blame mostly on the inability of the educated working class to develop the nation to the language used in teaching them in schools. She emphasised how determined she was to push through the language policy at the highest level so that pupils can be taught in their mother tongue. She expressed confidence in that removing English as the medium of instruction would “change this country”.

 The minister’s statement reportedly elicited loud cheers from the audience. The change in language policy has been up for discussion for some time but has never been aggressively pursued.  Naturally, the statement sparked dialogue on top of receiving loud cheers and mixed views. Upon hearing the news, I took to twitter where I shared the good news (whichever way you may view it).

  The tweet
The optimists

Those who beg to differ

These are just some of the many views people shared. Of course there was bound to be mixed reactions however, what Ghana is trying to do is to preserve indigenous languages; something we as Africans should be doing already. English is a colonial language that we happen to use by default or should I say by force. Ideally speaking, removing English as a medium of instruction in schools is a brilliant idea as it makes way for the development of local languages however, realistically, this is no child's play. It is a huge step therefore execution is paramount in realizing this plan. This had me think, imagine Africa with a common language and currency?!

What's your take on Ghana's stance? Should they go ahead with the plan or not? And if they do, will that set a trend for #EnglishMustFallInAfrica? (Seeing as they were the first African state to gain independence hence a catalyst for other African countries; could this be another influential move?)

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