Wiki Loves Africa: Celebrating Africa’s Culture of Fashion and Adornment in Continent-wide Photographic Competition

WikiAfrica at the Africa Centre is proud to announce the 2nd iteration of the Wiki Loves Africa photo competition in 2015.

Wiki Loves Africa encourages participants to contribute media - photographs, video or audio - that illustrates a theme chosen by Wikipedia volunteers across Africa. The theme changes each year to cover a universal, visually rich and culturally specific topic (for example, markets, rites of passage, festivals, public art, cuisine, natural history, urbanity, daily life, notable persons, etc). In 2014, the theme was Cuisine.

In 2015 Africa’s Wikipedia volunteers chose the theme Cultural Fashion and Adornment. The competition encourages media that represents cultural dress, fashion and a diversity of adornment. Cultural fashion has been defined as clothing and body wear that presents local cultural influences and is determined by cloth, styles, ways of wrapping and hanging, etc. This theme also includes adornment, which is represented by culturally defined jewellery, make-up, hairstyles, tattoos and scarification, cloths and woven materials.

The competition runs from the 1st October to the 30th November 2015 and entries are welcome from anywhere on the continent and beyond. Training and upload events are being organised by groups of volunteers in Algeria, Cameroon, Cðte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Nigeria, Tanzania, Tunisia and Uganda.

The Wiki Loves Africa team has set up a campaign on the crowdfunding platform Indiegogo to encourage the larger community of Wikipedia editors and readers both in Africa and beyond to get involved by donating what they want towards the competition’s prizes. To ensure quality images we need to attract Africa’s best professional and amateur photographers with quality prizes.

The prizes for the competition are:

1st prize: a Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 + an Africa-published book + Mystery gifts from the Wikimedia Store + print of the participant winning picture.

2nd prize: US$300 Amazon gift + an Africa-published book + Mystery gifts from the Wikimedia Store + print of the 2nd prize picture.

3rd prize: US$200 Amazon gift + an Africa-published book + Mystery gifts from the Wikimedia Store + print of the 3rd prize picture.

Community Prize: US$200 Amazon gift voucher + an Africa-published book + Mystery gifts from the Wikimedia Store + print of the Community Prize.

4 steps to enter Wiki Loves AfricaEntering Wiki Loves Africa Cultural Fashion and Adornment is easy! Follow these 4 steps:
Step 1: Take some photos.
Step 2: Select the best.
Step 3: Create an account on Commons to take part. Register here.
Step 4: Use the Upload Wizard to enter photographs here.

Happy snapping! 

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