The short film tells a story of Ajuma - a grieving widow, desperate to stop her recurring nightmares. In an effort to end them once and for all, she explores a forgotten fairy-tale remedy which leads her to unexpected discoveries.
The short was written and directed by Jim Chuchu and produced by Wangechi Ngugi with creative direction and styling by Sunny Dolat.
To Catch A Dream is written and directed by Jim Chuchu, produced by Wangechi Ngugi, and with creative direction and styling by Sunny Dolat.
The story captures a fashion journey starring Ajuma Nasenyana, Tom Nandi, Rahel Equbay, Paynette Nyawara, Rosemary Kendi, Alex Wandia, Maureen Onyango and Nikole Warambo. Featuring designs by Namnyak Odupoy, Ami Doshi, Kepha Maina, Jamil and Azra Walji, Katungulu Mwendwa, Ann McCreath and Adèle Dejak.
Watch 'To Catch A Dream' below:
Credit: The NEST Collective