What would you do to raise awareness for a cause you feel deeply and passionately about?

By Claire Henderson

Photo Credit: Nardus Engelbrecht

Meg Rickards walked 26kms from Cape Town City Hall, along Main Road to Muizenberg Beach dressed as an abused woman. Why? You may ask, to commemorate Woman’s Day, to raise awareness of woman and child abuse and to raise funding for their movie ‘Whiplash’ which will start filming next year.

She explained in her interview with News24’s Jerusha Sukhdeo-Raath, how she feels abuse is swept under the rug and woman who are abused feel dirty, even though they are not in the wrong. One of the aims of filming ‘Whiplash’, a book by Tracy Farren about a woman who’s life is turn upside down when the unexpected happens, is to put the topic of abuse out in the open and get people talking about it.

Meg went on to state the following statistics; there are an estimated 1.2million rapes a year, 3600 per day and 1 in every 3 woman are abused. As she walked through the streets Meg was amazed at the reaction she got from passers by, some even stopping to tell their personal and traumatic stories. This shows that people will not stand back, but ask you if you are ok and open up when faced head on with the reality of the situation.

I was touched by this amazing step Meg took to raise awareness, it took courage to walk the streets and speak out for those who are too scared to or find it to hard. I want to thank Meg for standing up for a reality that needs to change.

So I ask again, what would you do to raise awareness for a cause you feel so deeply and passionately about?

You can view Meg Rickards News24 interview here.

Source: News24

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Claire has a BA Hons Degree in Photography and Journalism, is passionate about writing, food, equal rights and all things African.

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