The Women We Love

I love women. Big or small, light or dark skinned. From the strikingly beautiful to the abstract damsel, I just love admiring women because when you look closely, there really is so much to admire. In the world of beauty, when society wants to create fake features, we should learn to love the natural sisters we walk next to everyday.

There's something about a woman that really takes care of herself that's such an inspiration. Natural beauties with their polished skin in the freshest outfits always seem to take the cherry on the cake and so it should be. Without the crazy make up and the hectic accessories, a woman should carry the one thing that makes any head turn: confidence and self love.

The confidence to go for that check up no matter what the outcome. Believing that you're strong and able and trusting that you can do whatever you set your mind to. These are the things we should encourage women to do: To be fierce and to reach for their goals. We should encourage girls to love their skin colour, their hair and their ability to turn heads with their confidence and not their naked bodies. 

We should promote natural shapes and not the make believe bodies society wants us to pay to have. Being healthy is important, but not when you have to starve to fit in. We should love the mothers, the sisters, the movers, the twerkers, the girls with voices and the ones who need our voices when theirs ate being shut down. Do it for all the girls who can't wear that cute dress or the ones who can't afford those new shoes. Do it for the ladies who have spent years fighting for our rights and the those who continue to fight for our freedom and equality. Do it for the girls who long for love and the ones who hope for it even when it seems all hope is lost. Do it for the women who follow, but long to lead and the ones who lead with not many followers. Do it while you can when do many in our time can't.

Let's all learn to love women and in turn love ourselves.

Adele is a hair & beauty guru based in Cape Town. 


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