Ugandan-American Jessica Nabongo Is Set To Become The First Black Woman To Travel To Every Country In The World

A lot of people dream about traveling the world and for many it remains just a dream due to underlying factors, however, that is not the case for Ugandan-American writer, entrepreneur, travel influencer and nomad, Jessica Nabongo who has traveled to more than 100 countries and territories across six continents.

Her mission is to become the first Black Woman to travel to all of the 195 countries in the world.

This is not wishful thinking. Nabongo has traveled currently to 108 countries on six continents so far. She has 14 months to visit the remaining 87 countries and is set to accomplish this goal on May 15, 2019.

Nabongo was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan to Ugandan immigrants. She says she "remembers daydreams of foreign lands and a life of wander after her first international trip to London and Uganda at the age of six. Today, she travels the world and is passionate about sharing her experiences in countries that have typically low rates of tourism."

"In 2015, I built my company, Jet Black , a boutique travel firm that focuses on tourism in Africa, Central and South America and the Caribbean. Over the nearly three years since its founding, I have been able to take more than 100 people on trips to Haiti, Cuba, Colombia, Jamaica, Kenya, South Africa, and most recently Senegal. My passion in truly in showing people new places and helping them to see how small the world truly is," she added.

Here are some looks from her travels as shared on her Instagram:

In Lagos, Nigeria
In Antigua

In Namibia
In Senegal

Talk about a woman on a mission. If this is not #Goals then I don't know what it is.

Safe journey for the reminder of your mission, Jessica. 

Follow her on her journey across social media platforms @thecatchmeifyoucan and @TheCMIYC on twitter. Alternatively, you can also head over to her website for more updates. 


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