Spare A Moment This National Deaf Awareness Month

September is the international month for the deaf. The World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) first launched International Day of the Deaf in 1958; the “day” was later extended to “week.” The International Week of the Deaf (IWD) is observed annually during the last full week of September. The week culminates with International Day of the Deaf on the last Sunday of the week. The first World Congress of the WFD took place in September 1951, and the choice of September to celebrate the International Week and Day of the Deaf is a commemoration of this historical event.

The Deaf Federation of South Africa (DeafSA) promotes awareness of deaf persons in South Africa, as well as equality for deaf people, amongst deaf people and promoted by deaf people.

The World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) is an international non-governmental organisation representing approximately 70 million deaf people worldwide.

Most deaf people do not get any education in developing countries and approximately 80% of the world’s 70 million deaf people do not have any access to education. Only about 1-2 % of the deaf get education in sign language. Legal development and recognition of sign languages promotes deaf people’s equal participation in the society.

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